Saturday, 16 July 2011

Er.. oops

It appears I have done something to the comments box... I think I fixed it but Im not sure.

Sorry for that.  It appears in my enthusiasm to change my template I may have slightly changed my settings.  Oh and I made a button!  I felt stupidly proud of myself.  Sad, huh?  It made my head hurt but I got there.  It only took two different tutorials and some experimentation.  But I did it!  So... grab it or exchange with me.  I am gonna try making a page of the blogs I follow.  Wish me luck. :)


Local Yokel said...

Yes it works!! :)

Kitty said...

Woooo hoooo!!!!!

Melissa Wheeler said...

Button added to my Blog Roll...feel free to grab mine! :D

Andrea said...

Added your button to my blog roll!

Debra She Who Seeks said...
